I'm not in Alaska anymore, but the adventure still continues. God is stretching me and growing me in ways that aren't always comfortable, but I have never been more sure that I'm where I'm supposed to be. Peace...wonderful thing. So I will continue writing, and sharing what I am learning and becoming.
This morning, for example.
This is the second morning in a row that I have slept in. Oh, I acknoweldged my husband this morning, when he brought me coffee and read to me, but the moment the door slammed, I was back in slumber land. When I came to, I was feeling guilty, and defeated. I pulled out my Bible and devotional tools, and read the first suggested verse. Psalm 46:10..Be still and know that I am God. The little excerpt went on to talk about busyness, but I brushed that off. I'm not nearly as busy as I used to be. I have lots of time to "stop", but...when I do stop, I want to sleep! I don't know if it's a sign that I need more sleep, or if it's a cop out on life. When I do sleep in, I don't take a nap in the afternoon, so that's good, right? But it's still a struggle, and I wrote that down in my journal. Then I decided to read the whole Psalm, and these words jumped out at me....."an ever-present help in trouble"..God will help her at break of day". Now , I know that I'm taking those words out of the context they were intended, but...THEY ARE STILL TRUE!
If my desire it to be awake and alert, and get things done around the house, and at work, and the other things that need to get done, and I ask Him for His help...even when my eyes won't open! He will help!
Thank you....