Thursday, March 24, 2011

How did this even come about?

Rick was hired by Holland America as a driver guide in the summer of 2008.  He spent June through September based in Fairbanks, AK, and was then hired to train drivers here in the Inland Northwest. At that point in time, I had no desire to even visit Alaska. My brother studied it in kindergarten.  I knew Forget Me Nots were the state flower, and that was enough for me.
Rick trained January through April, 2009, and drove up for the summer again. So, I decided to bite the bullet and go up for a few days in June to visit.  The Alaskan Interior was nothing like I expected! I fell in love, and ended up flying up in August to drive down with Rick. Driving down the ALCAN (Alaska-Canada Highway) I decided I was going to come back. We dreamed about the possibilities of both coming up the next summer, and driving, but at that time I was helping Mom take care of Dad, and working at Valley Christian, so there was the issue of training, how and when, etc.
Rick ended up training drivers in Fairbanks the following year.  He left in February, and I went up for spring break for a visit, and then again in July, to surprise him and to celebrate me getting my Bachelors Degree. Again, I was struck by the beauty and the simplicity, and was determined to one day get my CDL and drive for a summer.
In the fall of 2010, I left Valley Christian, and spent three special months with my Mom and Dad. When Dad went to be with the Lord in December, there was a tug in my spirit that said..."You can go now!" I didn't pay attention until later in the month, when a friend mentioned the same thing.
What?  Really?  Could I?  Should I?
Rick and I talked, and I decided to apply for the position of Driver Guide. And see what happened.  I prayed a lot during the waiting process, and when they offered me the position, I knew it was what I was supposed to do.
Not only to help financially, but also to have kind of a learn about depending on God, and no one discover what direction I should take take time to grieve...
So here is a middle aged woman, who had no desire to step foot in Alaska...going on the ultimate adventure. I
I will be there in nine days...bring it on.

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