Saturday, March 26, 2011

Looking back at January...

January 7, I received the call from HAP Alaska, offering me the position of Driver Guide. That night I attacked my husband and demanded he give me everything he had in his possession regarding driving in Alaska.  He gave me the materials he had, and like an overachieving student, I went right to work and started studying.
One could find me in the car, waiting to pick up Jonah from school, or at the plasma center, furiously writing notes about the history of Fairbanks or the pre-trip checklist. Then, my dear husband downloaded the Alaska Drivers Manual, and the Commercial Drivers License, and I had new reading material!  During my studying, I came across several nuggets of wisdom, which I will share with you now. Hanging meat...can be a very unstable load...livestock can move around in a trailer...
o        If your vehicle is on fire, don't pull into a service station.
o        A nap can save your life or the lives of others.
o        You can't avoid striking or being struck by something which you can't see.
o        Drowsiness is the first step in falling asleep.
 I also learned about “wig wag” warnings…but that’s a whole thing in itself, which I won’t go into at this time.
I found some quotes those early days in January, that were very applicable to what I was feeling inside..  I posted them on facebook, and some people replied with interesting responses.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.”
Helen Keller
I have no words...for once in my life,'ll sleep on it.    January 7 at 1:12pm  Jeff Powell and Denise Hirschel like this.
  • ·          Elizabeth Andrews Williams If you're dreaming now, that must be worth at least 1,000 words!
  • ·          Jeff Powell You could start with the words of the safety speech
  • ·          Beth Anne Taylor ugh...and so it'm excited!
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Andre Gide

Adventure is calling....

1 comment:

  1. Here's me leaving a comment! I love this woman, Beth Taylor! Ricky
