Saturday, April 23, 2011

Anatomy of a Bruise

“A bruise (medically referred to as a contusion) is caused when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the skin (be it bumping against something or hitting yourself with a hammer). The raised area of a bump or bruise results from blood leaking from these injured blood vessels into the tissues as well as from the body's response to the injury. A purplish, flat bruise that occurs when blood leaks out into the top layers of skin is referred to as an ecchymosis” (
The day before I turned 45, I counted the bruises on my body.  No less than 26 that I could see.  I have received most of those since started training to drive a motor coach.  I’ve fallen down on ice, knocked traffic cones into my ankles while unloading them, and bumped my shins on the coach steps, run into interior parts of the coach with my thighs and calves.  And my hands and arms have been bashed when hitting tires with a hex bar, and checking between the duals.  A few have been caused by Jeff playfully poking me in the arm.

 They say that as one ages, the more prone to bruising he or she becomes, because of aging capillaries, and thinning skin.  It doesn’t look like my “fatty layer’ has changed…it’s still alive and well….

Oh well, I guess bruising is a fact of life with me.  It will continue to be as I age.  At least they are physical bruises, from “sticks and stones”…I haven’t received any to the heart.

“A torn jacket is soon mended, but hard words bruise the heart of a child”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Friday, April 15, 2011

Almost two weeks in...

Things that are different up here in Alaskan Interior...

1. Slower pace of life.
2. Dry cabins- housing that has no city water supply.  Therefore one needs to get their water at....
3. fresh water springs.
4. Brightest time of the day is  between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m..  My favorite!
5. Ice sculptures in yards and businesses.
6. "Break Up" which is the time of year when the ice on the Chena River melts, along with the snow and causes icky puddles, everywhere!!!! But!  I saw green grass today! 

Things that are the same..
1. Kids.
2.Espresso stands...although I did see a drive thru Thai food stand yesterday
3. Fred Meyer, Safeway, Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble, Game Stop
4. Potholes and policemen
5. Flip flops displayed before the snow melts.

And to use the terminology of my dear friends, Scott and Mary Segalla, I have learned to "Adapt and Overcome"...these are things I have discovered..
1. A flashlight works just as well as a reading lamp.
2. One small electric blanket works fine as a top cover while sleeping.
3. 2 dishtowels, 1 dish rag, 5 forks, 1 spoon, 4 plastic glasses, 1 sheet, 1 pot...less than $15 at Value Village.
4. Babysitting can result in furniture.
5. One can decorate a room with sticky notes and love notes from home.
6. Paper towels from care package packing can be used to check oil on a motor coach.
7. It works fine to filter coffee grounds through a paper towel.
8. One can cut an onion and smash garlic with a large spoon and cut bacon with a fork.
9. A grocery bag doubles great as a plug for the bathtub.
10. If you turn up the volume on your mp3 player, your ears adjust, and you can hear it fine through the headphones laying on the floor next to you.
11. One can go more than one day without Internet access and still survive.
12. You can dry wet shoes in an oven that's been slightly heated, then turned off.  Only takes a couple of hours.  It works for socks too.
13. A grocery bag works well as a garbage can, hung from the toilet paper roll bar.
14. Internet access can be found in various places, like friends homes, Barnes and Noble, and the library.

I have learned to simplify, and use the resource I have. And it's been great! I wonder if it will stick when I come home in 5 months.  We shall see.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top 20 Things I have to do in Alaska, according to friends and family

The Sunday before I left, I was thrown a goodbye party by dear friends.  I had them write down something they thought I needed to do on my Alaskan adventure, and I told them to write their names down next to the idea.  Some of them had problems following that direction.

 1. Climb a tree (and have someone take a picture of you in it). Lydia
2. Say " hi" to a bear for me.
3. See a polar bear outside of a cage.
4. Say hi to a wolf.
5. Play "Hey Cow" with any group of animals you want. Jordan Padula
6. Catch a salmon with your bare hands. Jacob
7. Take a picture of your favorite road sign (the favorite road you drive on).
8. Make a snowman. Nessa
9. Hug a carabou. Pottsy
10. The "Hunger Games" series and let Rachel, Caitlyn and Robbie know what you think.
11. Go to a bar with Jonah. Jonah
12. Send your children at home a care package via snail mail.
13. Have a foreign accent for an entire bus trip. Daniel Amado
14. Count the number of moose you see.
15. Eat a moose steak.
16. Have an Alaskan Crab feast.
17. I second what Josh said. Amy
18. Slide dow a hill on your tummy. Tyler
19. Polar Bear Plunge
20. Have fun with Rick. Rick

Now, it's obvious some of these are going to be easier than others.  But I will do my best, and document everything with proof that it was done.I just won't be able to say who it's in honor of, for those of you who ommitted your name!!! And the moose count....0.
 Here we go!